Whelp...it's over.
2019. Another one for the history books. Another revolution around the sun.
And so...it's time. Time to ponder what it all meant. Time to look back and reflect. Time to subjectively rank books and make arbitrary, hierarchical, and inherently exclusive lists cause...ya know...that's what we do.
For my family and I, 2019 has been an absolute whirlwind. A whirlwind of emotion. And change. And diapers. My son, Peter outshines everything about this year. He's better than starting a new job. Getting an agent. And other...writing related things...cough.
As we turn the final page on 2019, we expect dozens of obligatory "year's best" type lists to circulate the internet over. Everyone and their mother with a blog will post Caldecott and other award predictions, top 10 this and that, the best in 2019, etc. And so I too shall toot my kazoo in this grand cacophony of content...with your help.
Last year I had a lot of fun posting my favorites from 2018, but this year I wanted to do something different. Instead of creating my own list of favorites, I thought I would reach out and hear from you! What were YOUR favorites?
Enter the 2019 Picture Book Spotlight Awards--you list your favs and I post the results.
You'll have to narrow your choices down to a top 3 and 2 "honorable mentions." From those selections, I will compile a top 10 summary.
Once you have submitted your nominations, you will be automatically entered into a giveaway raffle--I'm giving away 3 picture book manuscript critiques (by me). Make sure to share this post and that you're subscribed to PB Spotlight.
Before jumping in to nominate, reflect on the picture books that meant something to you. The ones that spoke to your heart. The ones that had you rolling. The ones with characters and art and words and ideas that simply leapt off the page. Don't worry what everyone else is saying...this is YOUR list! Click the link below to cast your votes.
May your 2020 far eclipse 2019. May all your books be awesome. May all your dreams come true. And if they don't...may you find peace...or find some new dreams.
Thanks for participating and helping make this year so special. Happy voting! Happy writing and arting! And a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Brian Gehrlein is a picture book author and high school English teacher living in Liberty, Missouri. He is the creator of #PBCritiqueFest and Picture Book Spotlight. Brian is represented by Melissa Richeson of Apokedak Literary Agency. When he isn't writing bios for himself in the third person, he can probably be found brewing coffee or tossing his son, Peter into the air. There is no hidden emoji code for this post, but thanks for checking. You're so vigilant, you creature of habit, you! Don't know what a hidden emoji code is? You must be new here...welcome! Explore past posts to learn more!
Check out my adorable little family! Yes, that is real snow. Katherine and Peter, I love you!